Izrael Natan Melamed.
Heavens Tears
I am sending you Helena's vase..
James Russocki
Site of the ghetto bridge. Warsaw
Adam Adams  (Izrael Melamed)
DSC_7620 72dpi.jpg
Rachele Fraenkel
Steve Bloomberg
Stanislaw Zwerbny
Winniki-Lwow 1938
St Mary's Church, Padbury
Chandos 1977 72dpi x2.jpg
Izrael Natan Melamed.
Izrael Natan Melamed.

Sole survivor

Heavens Tears
Heavens Tears

The Umshlagplatz, Warsaw; place of deportation to Treblinka death camp for an estimated 300,000 Jews. On the day I visited heaven wept.

I am sending you Helena's vase..
I am sending you Helena's vase..

Psalm 56:8 ~ You have collected all my tears in your bottle.

James Russocki
James Russocki

Even as I write my eyes are sweating. Survivor of Mauthausen

Site of the ghetto bridge. Warsaw
Site of the ghetto bridge. Warsaw
Adam Adams  (Izrael Melamed)
Adam Adams (Izrael Melamed)

‘I only remember two things about the Warsaw ghetto. Stepping over bodies covered in newspaper and crossing the ghetto bridge.’

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Rachele Fraenkel
Rachele Fraenkel

‘I can feel pain, I don’t have to become my pain. I can feel sorrow, I don’t have to become my sorrow’

Steve Bloomberg
Steve Bloomberg

‘All I’m thinking is that if Tehiya wasn’t with us I have to be strong: I have to look after the kids, I have to survive’

Stanislaw Zwerbny
Stanislaw Zwerbny

‘Do not return to Poland under any circumstances’ ~ Father.

Winniki-Lwow 1938
Winniki-Lwow 1938

ticket home. 2018

St Mary's Church, Padbury
St Mary's Church, Padbury

Mozart - Lacrimosa

Chandos 1977 72dpi x2.jpg

This is my body, broken for you.